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Emotional Assertiveness Trainer Certification Course (UK) – Part 1

Emotional Assertiveness: Applied Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Assertiveness: Applied Emotional Intelligence This 3-day Seminar hosted by John Parr (founder & creator of Emotional Assertiveness) is the first step towards certification as an Emotional Assertiveness Trainer or Coach Attendance will be recognised as entry level for Emotional Assertiveness Certified Professional status.

Dates now Summer 2024

It is, also a stand-alone programme, suitable for anyone interested in the subject or seeking personal growth and development.

The program is designed to build knowledge and skills in Emotional Assertiveness.

Focusing upon understanding human behaviour in the context of self and others, we offer experience and application, as opposed to just ‘head knowledge’ of the topic.

You will takeaway new insights and skills, for immediate application in all aspects of your life. The Emotional Assertiveness seminar provides participants with the necessary skills:

• to acquire a sound knowledge of Emotional Intelligence and its application, Emotional Assertiveness

• to improve our ability to listen to our emotions, understand them, and anticipate their impact on our health and wellbeing

• to deal with our emotions in a healthy and authentic way

• to understand why our experience of emotions has an impact on how we manage our relationships

• to improve our ability to build healthy, secure, and meaningful bonds with others and improve the quality of our lives

• to gain the four key components of emotional intelligence: Self-Awareness, Interpersonal (Social) Awareness, Self-Management and Relationship Management

Date: to be agreed, summer 2024

Venue: The North Hampshire

Fees: £950+ vat, includes all training materials, lunch, and refreshments plus a copy of John Parr’s book, For-play, Fair-play and Foul-play

Early bird offer: £825+ vat if book before the 31st May 2024

Accommodation: Available onsite – please advise is required

For more information and to book your space please contact